Interview with Adrianna Arambula, Ryman Arts 2004
What is Art?
I create art in the form of buildings. I draw inspiration from a million different things depending on the project I’m designing for. Whether it’s gathering inspiration from the present culture in designated site area, or designing to reduce the impact on nature, or just dealing with issues of aesthetics such as the way light filters through a particular material or issues of transparency or color or materiality – the possibilities for inspiration for a building are endless.
What does art bring into your life?
Art brings a sense of relief to my life – on occasion things enter my mind and I might not know how to handle it, but art acts as an outlet to express these things.
What was your concept of the arts before and after you graduated from Ryman Arts?
Honestly, before Ryman, I didn’t know the talent for art existed within me – my high school art teacher asked me to apply out of nowhere and I was accepted! Throughout and after Ryman, not only has my concept of the arts changed, but my concept of life. Not only can I participate in something that I love doing, but I can lead a happy and successful life while doing so.
What did you enjoy the most about your past Ryman Arts internship?
My internship as Exhibition intern was a great experience. What I enjoyed the most was witnessing everything that goes into a non-profit organization. I have a much more profound appreciation for everything that was done for me when I was a student. As Education Coordinator, I got to take that appreciation a step further and actually have a small part in the students’ art education. Seeing not only the working artists, but alumni artists, and other working professionals who are on the Ryman Board of Directors opened my eyes even more to the many opportunities for careers in the arts.
How did you decide to work at an Art organization?
Well, I decided to work in the arts because it helps feed this endless creative streak I have within me. It allows me to view everyday things in life differently than anybody else would – we all have such different perspectives. And working for Ryman Arts gives me an even better sense of fulfillment with helping high school students who have so much passion and are so eager to express it! The most valuable experience of being involved in the arts world is experiencing everybody’s varying points of view. It allows me to open my mind to new ways of thinking and find inspiration in an otherwise unnoticed place.
What is your vision for Ryman Arts?
I see BIG things in the future of Ryman arts – the one thing I would love to see the most would be to be able to allow more students in – the most passionate ones aren’t always the most talented, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t get their chance to change their lives too.
What do you see yourself doing 10 years from now?
Always such a difficult question; as of now, I’m actually going to become a licensed architect and will be involved in design and the arts – I don’t think any other career could fulfill my need for creativity.