Interview with Lindsay Lopez, Ryman Arts 2005
What is Art?
Art is something indispensable. It’s indispensable because it is a mark of human emotion and imagination. Art is drawing inspiration from the world and sharing your interpretation of it. Anyone is capable of generating art--and I love that universality. A Renaissance Master, a graffiti artist, a Crayola-toting five-year old; they all have something to say, from their own experiences, through their own media.
What does art bring into your life?
Strangely enough, art brings both intense discipline and relaxation to my life. When I am powerfully inspired by some emotion or event, I work hard to study the subjects involved and slowly, carefully execute my vision. It may require lots of preliminary planning and sketching, or playing with hues and adding little by little until I’m truly satisfied with a color. Other times, I just start brushing, dabbing, and layering on a blank canvas without a plan in mind—just to hang out and paint for an afternoon. Just for fun.
What was your concept of the arts before and after you graduated from Ryman Arts?
Whether you’re a doodler, a serious art student or a world-renowned artist, you must practice if you want to improve and grow. It’s probably the most important habit I learned as a Ryman Arts student. It’s helpful to take a sketchbook with you wherever you go… Some of the best artists I know take advantage of some non-traditional materials (think gym shorts, backpacks, napkins…) because they are ALWAYS practicing, and they like to create art as soon as inspiration strikes them.
What do you enjoy the most about your past Ryman Arts internship?
Multi-tasking! People who work in the arts frequently share tasks and responsibilities (especially at smaller museums and organizations). You do a lot of different things, so you don’t get bored and you get to work as a team. It helps to be flexible and care a lot about where you’re at and who you’re helping. Part of my job is to ensure that we know where the artworks are located, what condition they're in, and that we have photographs of them. I also do research to learn more about where and when the artworks come from. Sometimes this information is obvious; other times, it requires a little bit of detective work.
What is the most valuable experience of being involved in the art world?
Seeing generosity abound! People of varied age, occupation, income and involvement all contribute to the survival of the arts. Generosity might emerge in the form of a million dollar donation, a docent leading museum tours or a parent offering to drive a carpool to Ryman Arts.
What is your vision for Ryman Arts?
To spread awareness about the program; if more people know about the program, we increase our chances of getting more funding, support, and resources. Then, we can reach more young artists.