Ryman Arts Impact: Shaping Lives Through Creative Growth and Mentorship

By: Rebecca Flores, Development & Communications Coordinator

For over 34 years, Ryman Arts has been a cornerstone for many young artists, providing a platform to grow, learn, and find their unique voice. Ryman Arts has nurtured creativity, provided mentorship, and opened doors to opportunities within the arts that may have once seemed out of reach. Recently, I had the privilege of speaking with current Ryman Arts students— Yvonne, Athena, and Bill— and heard firsthand how this program has profoundly shaped their lives. Each of their stories is unique, yet are woven together by a shared experience of transformation and the power of artistic expression.

Yvonne: Finding Community and Career Direction

Yvonne T. (Ryman ’25) has found a sense of belonging and clarity in her career aspirations at Ryman Arts, where she’s about to start her second semester as a rising junior in high school. Yvonne first heard about Ryman Arts through an alumnus and was encouraged to apply. “It’s really nice to meet people that have similar goals as me. I can learn from them, and I could see their influence on my work.”

 For Yvonne, fostering relationships with her peers at Ryman Arts has been one of the most meaningful aspects of the program. The feedback she receives during the critique portion of class allows her to look at her work through a different lens. 

Beyond honing her skills, being part of the program has enabled her to explore various art-related careers. “I want to continue learning art and enter the animation industry, because I like telling stories. And I see the animation industry as the best way to do that within the artistic field.” Yvonne’s passion for storytelling was discovered here at Ryman Arts, where the program’s college and career guidance inspired her to explore the ways to bring stories to life. Her journey is shaped not only by what she learns but also by who she meets, with the connections she’s made encouraging her to believe in her own vision.

A girl and a man looking at a piece of paper on a table.

Yvonne T. (Ryman ’25) with Teaching Artist Eduardo Aispuro

Bill: Discovering New Artistic Possibilities

Art has been a part of Bill M.'s (Ryman '25) life since the age of four, when he took his first drawing class. But it wasn't until he joined Ryman Arts that he realized just how much more there was to discover about himself as an artist.

At Ryman Arts, his favorite part of class are the in-person critiques, where he gets to see his peers' artwork and receive direct feedback of his own. It's allowed him to take inspiration from the way other students approach an assignment, note it, and apply it in his work. He is also appreciative of the way Ryman Arts has introduced him to new and different mediums, expanding the art skills under his belt.

Bill attributes his newfound versatility to the program. "The thing Ryman [Arts] did for me most was show me what I'm capable of. A lot of the things that Ryman [Arts] made us do were things that I've never really done before, like pastel and watercolor... working with those showed me what I'm capable of."

A boy looking into a mirror holding a pencil.

Bill M. (Ryman ’25) in Foundation Drawing

Athena: Surpassing Expectations and Building Confidence

From the moment Athena C. (Ryman ’25) stepped into her first Ryman Arts class, she found herself challenged in ways she hadn’t been before. Athena was encouraged to apply by her AP Art teacher, along with a few other classmates. She soon realized that it wasn’t just any program. When asked about her experience in the program so far, Athena expressed her sentiments very enthusiastically: “It wasn’t what I expected, but in a good way. I was expecting it to be kind of an easy art class, and not more of a college-level class. I’ve loved it. It’s helped me improve so much.” 

The improvement in Athena’s art skills and the supportive environment of the teaching artists and her peers has allowed her to grow as an artist. With every class, Athena has made new self-discoveries, such as developing her public speaking skills through participation in critiques. It’s improved her time management skills as well, which helps her in her academic and personal life balancing school, sports, and art. 

Feeling grateful for this transformative experience, Athena has the following message for those who support the program: “I couldn’t be more grateful for the people that donate to Ryman [Arts]. If it wasn’t for them, a lot of kids wouldn’t be in the program, and a lot of them wouldn’t even pursue the arts because they don’t know where to begin.”

A girl smiling at the camera.

Athena C. (Ryman ’25) in Foundation Drawing

The Shared Journey of Artistic Growth

The stories of Yvonne, Athena, and Bill, while each unique, highlight the common threads that run through the Ryman Arts experience. Each student has discovered a community that supports them and, in turn, they’ve built the confidence to pursue their creative ambitions. The program equips them with the tools they need to succeed in their artistic endeavors and instills in them the belief that their creative voices matter. It’s more than just an arts program— it’s a place where their creative voices are heard and valued. At Ryman Arts, every student is encouraged to believe in their potential, showing how deeply we’re committed to nurturing young artists and helping them grow, both personally and professionally. We would like to extend the invitation for you to come join us during a Ryman on View*, where you will visit classes, meet our artists, and see how you are changing lives. You can also be part of the impact we’re making by contributing a gift of any size at Ryman.org/donate. We are excited to continue transforming the lives of these students, together!


*Please contact info@ryman.org if you are interested in visiting classes.