Aaron D. Estrada, Class of 2013

A first generation Los Angeles Salvadorian native, Aaron attended the Ryman Arts program every weekend. He graduated from the program in 2013 and earned this BA in Fine Arts from the University of California, Los Angeles, and his MFA in Sculpture and Extended Media from Virginia Commonwealth University.

“Through the Ryman Arts program I can honestly say that my life has changed. It has given me the opportunity to develop not only my skills as an artist, but also the ability and need to expand my mind. Each day I would go to Ryman Arts awaiting to be exposed to new thoughts; new ways of looking at art. It gave me reassurance that what I truly wanted out of life can happen. But most importantly it gave me a secure home to which I felt comfortable to visually express myself—for without art, I would go crazy.

My goal in life is to continue my growth for knowledge and passion. A life without passion is not one I wish to live. I am an artist, and it goes beyond the application of paint upon a surface; it is the development of abstract notions that form philosophical art movements, the process of forming ideas that coincide with human development; its vivid imagery that is constantly thriving on creativity that helps form the surrounding world.  My goal in life is to… BE ART.”

Aaron is a co-founding member of 3B, a collective of Los Angeles-based artists and designers who focus on large scale, site-specific public works. 


Shane Prigmore


Lacey Waterman