Ryman Arts welcomes planned gifts
You can support Ryman Arts in a variety of ways that will benefit the students we serve today or in the future. With thoughtful estate and retirement planning, friends of Ryman Arts can minimize estate and income taxes, while making a charitable gift to Ryman Arts. All gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowable and may offer substantial tax savings. We encourage you to speak with your attorney or financial advisor about your options.
One form of planned gift is a bequest. A bequest is a gift passed down through a will or living trust. It entitles you to an estate tax deduction equal to the amount of the gift, thus reducing your taxable estate and federal tax liability. A will provision allows donors to make a substantial contribution without diminishing the assets available to them during their lifetime.
The Herbert D. Ryman Legacy Society recognizes those generous benefactors who have indicated their intention to include Ryman Arts in their estate plans and allows us to show our appreciation for your generosity during your lifetime.
We would be happy to work with you and your financial advisor to explore the mutual benefits of a bequest or other type of planned gift. Please contact Diane Brigham at dbrigham@ryman.org or call (213) 629-2787 for more information.