Frequently Asked Questions
Draw something you are looking at in real life, not in a photograph or on a screen. Try to make it look just like you see it. Even if you don’t know exactly how, try your best. Be thoughtful about where you’re placing the parts of your drawing, rather than just drawing one thing stuck in the middle of the page. Spend a long time on your drawing, at least an hour. Drawings that you took a long time to work on are more useful for us to see than quick sketches.
Your homework each week for Ryman Arts will take you about six hours. If you spend six hours on two application drawings, that will be about the same as one week of homework and will give you an idea of the rigor of our program. Drawing from observation, which means drawing something you are seeing in three dimensions (not a flat image on a screen or paper) is at the heart of our program, and of most foundation drawing programs. Seeing how you draw when you are looking at a person, place or thing in real life gives us the best indicator of how you will do in our program.
Yes. Call the office ahead of time to make sure we will be here. (213) 629-2787.
If you draw in your free time and are committed to learning how to be a more skilled artist, then you are a good candidate for Ryman Arts.
Make sure students understand the three parts of the application (form, essay, and drawings) and review each portion with them to make sure it is complete. Also, write a specific recommendation, whether you are doing so on the paper form or by recommendation email. While students may turn in a class assignment for one of the application drawings, we will get a better sense of their individual potential if they submit their own work for one or both drawings. Please make sure drawings submitted were done from observation (not photographs or imagination).
Make sure they understand the three parts of the application (form, essay, and drawings) and look over each portion to make sure it is complete. Make sure your teen has the time, space, and materials to work on the application drawings. Talk to your child about the commitment of attending weekend classes and completing homework each week, and let him or her know that you will be supportive of this commitment.
While applications vary semester to semester, our average acceptance rate is about 50 percent. If you are accepted, you know you are one of Southern California’s top art students.
Applying to Ryman Arts
We send a response to students in the mail and by email about a month after the application deadline. If you have not heard from us, we may not have your correct address. If it’s more than a month after the deadline and you haven’t heard from us, you can call us at (213) 629-2787.
Please check our accepted applicants page to see if you or your student has been accepted.
We prefer to keep the artwork of our new students, so that we can compare their work before and after their time at Ryman Arts. If you need the artwork back before the semester starts, let us know and we will return it.
Yes, you can mail us correct postage, or you can come to our offices to pick it up.
We turn away many applicants every semester for a variety of reasons. You are welcome to apply again. As long as you are a high school student, you can apply to Ryman Arts. Applying for a second time shows us your sincere interest in our program. Keep drawing from observation and consider applying again!
You can take public transportation, and if you submit your ticket receipts to us; we will reimburse you. Or you can carpool with someone who lives near you; we will do our best to match up carpool partners.
Yes, there are a number of wonderful arts programs throughout southern California that offer classes at low cost, or offer scholarships. Here’s a short list:
Armory Center for the Arts
145 N. Raymond Ave.
(626) 792-5101
www.armoryarts.org/educationArtCenter Extension Teens
1700 Lida Street
(626) 396-2319
www.artcenter.edu/teensJunior Art Center, Barnsdall Art Park
4814 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles
(323) 644-6275
www.barnsdallartcenter.org/Los Angeles County Museum of Art
5905 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles
(323) 857-6512
lacma.orgPlaza de la Raza
3540 N. Mission Rd.
Los Angeles
(323) 223-2475
www.plazadelaraza.org/Venice Arts
1809 Lincoln Blvd.
(310) 578-1745
www.venicearts.org/Inner-City Arts
720 Kohler St.
Los Angeles
(213) 627-9621
www.inner-cityarts.org/Heart of Los Angeles (HOLA)
2701 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles
(213) 389-1148
www.heartofla.org/visual-artsCommunity Arts Partnership (CAP)
multiple locations
www.calarts.edu/cap/Palos Verdes Art Center
5504 W. Crestridge Rd.
Palos Verdes
(310) 541-2479
www.pvartcenter.orgOtis Extension Youth Education
9045 Lincoln Blvd.
Los Angeles
(310) 665-6850
www.otis.edu/extension/youthIrvine Fine Arts Center
14321 Yale Ave.
(949) 724-6880
www.cityofirvine.org/irvine-fine-arts-center/teen-classesMuckenthaler Cultural Center
1201 W. Malvern Ave.
(714) 738-6595
themuck.org/classes/Huntington Beach Art Center
538 Main Street
Huntington Beach
(714) 374-1650
6630 Westminister Blvd.
(714) 891-3626
www.artsupplywarehouse.com/catalyst.phpCalifornia State Summer School for the Arts
CalArts campus, Valencia
After Applying
Yes, there are a number of wonderful arts programs throughout southern California that offer classes at low cost, or offer scholarships. Here’s a short list:
Armory Center for the Arts
145 N. Raymond Ave.
(626) 792-5101
www.armoryarts.org/educationArtCenter Extension Kids
1700 Lida Street
(626) 396-2319
www.artcenter.edu/kidsJunior Art Center, Barnsdall Art Park
4814 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles
(323) 644-6275
www.barnsdallartcenter.org/Los Angeles County Museum of Art
5905 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles
(323) 857-6512
lacma.orgPlaza de la Raza
3540 N. Mission Rd.
Los Angeles
(323) 223-2475
www.plazadelaraza.org/Venice Arts
1809 Lincoln Blvd.
(310) 578-1745
www.venicearts.org/Inner-City Arts
720 Kohler St.
Los Angeles
(213) 627-9621
www.inner-cityarts.org/Heart of Los Angeles (HOLA)
2701 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles
(213) 389-1148
www.heartofla.org/visual-artsPalos Verdes Art Center
5504 W. Crestridge Rd.
Palos Verdes
(310) 541-2479
www.pvartcenter.orgOtis Extension Youth Education
9045 Lincoln Blvd.
Los Angeles
(310) 665-6850
www.otis.edu/extension/youthIrvine Fine Arts Center
14321 Yale Ave.
(949) 724-6880
www.cityofirvine.org/irvine-fine-arts-center/teen-classesMuckenthaler Cultural Center
1201 W. Malvern Ave.
(714) 738-6595
themuck.org/classes/Huntington Beach Art Center
538 Main Street
Huntington Beach
(714) 374-1650
6630 Westminister Blvd.
(714) 891-3626
www.artsupplywarehouse.com/catalyst.php -
You may contact the office at (213) 629-2787 or info@ryman.org.